Greg Tooke

Tonsillectomy Recovery - About Greg Tooke - La Crosse, WI
Tonsillectomy Recovery -About Greg Tooke - La Crosse, WI

Tonsillectomy and beyond…

In 2008, at the age of 44, I underwent tonsillectomy surgery. As I struggled to prepare for the surgery and recover from it, I was frustrated by the lack of quality content available on the internet for tonsillectomy patients. I was also frustrated by the general public’s assumptions about adult tonsillectomy surgery, and the lack of compassion from my health care providers. I was ill-prepared and struggled through recovery with minimal support. For this reason, I created a website to provide information to adults considering or recovering from tonsillectomy. It was called, “My Big Fat Tonsillectomy.” I later added a forum where other patients could share their experiences, questions, pain, and compassion.

Since then I’ve learned a great deal about tonsillectomy, and also about web design and search engine optimization. After reading thousands and thousands of posts to the forum, I have amassed a fortune in knowledge and insight into the experience of adult tonsillectomy. I’ve learned even more about the beauty and resilience of the human spirit.

This new site is intended to be a place where people considering or recovering from tonsillectomy can arm themselves with information and become their own best advocates. But it’s also a community. Every page allows comments and questions. The tonsillectomy forum is pure, free form venting, asking, crying, sharing, and mingling.

I read every single comment left on the site. (over 20,000 so far!) Responding to each one has become increasing difficult. My goal is to respond to EVERY comment on THIS page.

Keeping the site going is a labor of love to be sure. In addition to time, it does cost money. If you’d like to help keep the site going for others, please consider making a donation of any amount.

Thank you!

Greg Tooke
Author, advocate, webmaster


Tonsil Stones
Greg Tooke, Author

My Profile


  1. Hi Greg, I had my tonsillectomy 7 days ago and am still really struggling. I went back to the gp today and discovered I have a strained ligament in my jaw. It’s been so painful and more frustrating because communicating is hard, even with those that know me best still struggle to understand me.
    I feel the surgery has also moved some of my teeth as they all have a little niggle from time to time, especially my molars.

    I was hoping to go back to work this week, hopefully I feel better in the coming days.

    I’m glad you have made your website. Keep up the good work.

    Chantelle, 31
    Queensland, Australia

    1. Hi Chantelle! Sorry you’re having a rough time. I did too. Day 7 was about the WORST. I was writing notes to family and friends because it was so hard to talk. It got better on day 9. By day 11 I was ready to go back to work. (Without talking TOO much)

      Hang in there and be good to yourself. You deserve it!

  2. Hi Greg, this is an awesome website. Thanks for creating it!! I’m on day 11 post op and finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just wanted to ask you, did you get strep throat after taking your tonsils out?

  3. Thank you so much for this my son 5 yrs old has his tonsils and abnoids out yesterday and it has been rough this has brought me comfort

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