Tonsillectomy Day 10 -Strep After Tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy Recovery Day Ten


A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their tenth day of recovery

From thousands of post comments to the tonsillectomy recovery forum, I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 10. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
Many will experience depression toward the end of of their tonsillectomy recovery.

Depression after tonsillectomy
Depression After Tonsillectomy?

Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 10.
-Greg Tooke 

Tonsillectomy Day 10 -Strep After Tonsillectomy?
Tonsillectomy Day 10

  •  Tonsillectomy Day 10 :First day of narcotic withdrawl.  This lasts thru day 14 or 15
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 : day 11, 12 if you count surgery day, and my throat still feels enough pain that I only want liquids and super-mushy things. After the scrambled-egg attempt two days ago I got a little downhearted… like, Can’t I even eat THIS? Maybe I will try them again today.
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 : Post-Op: Day Ten
  • I actually got sleep again last night. All in all, I’m feeling pretty good today. It feels like most of my scabs are gone, so that’s a plus. I went out for the majority of the day. Like I said before, it feels awesome to get out after being secluded in my house for such a long time! I took Tylenol at 12:00am and I’m feeling pretty good. By pretty good, I mean I can swallow pretty well, but now what it feels like is a bad case of strep throat (yes, that is a good thing)!  Still couldn’t eat much today. I guess I could physically eat soft food (pasta, soft bread, etc.) but since I’m not fully healed yet, I’m a little scared to do something that will push me back in recovery. So I stuck to peaches, yogurt drinks, water, etc…all of the usual stuff!
  • Post-Op: Day Eleven
  • Well, I did pretty good medication wise. I took my meds again at 12:00am; that means I waited 24hours between 2 doses of meds. It feels like I took a step back in my recovery process. My sleep was scattered and after waking up every hour to drink water, I was beyond exhausted when I woke up this morning.  Even though I did drink a lot last night, my throat was still very dry. And swallowing today is a little harder than yesterday; it still feels like there is a ball in my throat. So, as you can imagine, I haven’t eaten much today either. I’m a little tired of not being able to eat as I sit on the couch, watching my family eat all of my favorite meals – what can I say, I’m a little hostile at this point! The pain isn’t bad enough that I need to take medication again, it’s just very uncomfortable. Well, I decided after 11 days, I was able to drive today and that felt good also (not having to rely on people feels awesome). When I was in the car, I decided to look into my throat (because the natural light made it easier for me too see) and I still see A LOT of white! I’m not sure why I have so many scabs left at day 11, but it sucks. Why can’t I be one of those lucky people that loose all of their scabs on day 8! I wish! Other than that, I’m not that miserable today.
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 : day 10-, 12 if you count surgery day, and my throat still feels enough pain that I only want liquids and super-mushy things. After the scrambled-egg attempt two days ago I got a little downhearted… like, Can’t I even eat THIS? Maybe I will try them again today.
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 : day 10 (40/f). took lortab last night at 9 p.m. and have taken nothing since. not to say it doesn’t hurt, but it feels more like a normal sore throat, and let’s face it, i’ve been dealing with that for years w/out relying on tylenol or meds
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 :Day 10,
  • Feeling much better now, thanks. Still a little pain in the ears, but bearable. Seriously , If you can get a hold of Tylenol Liquid Rapid Blast in your neck of the woods, get it. goes down easily. And eating much more now, try to gain back a few of the 20 lbs. I lost, course some things still taste funny / odd. And I can start to sing again. (actually better than before). Hopefully My tongue swelling will go down.
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 : Day 10–my boyfriend ordered pizza for us. I had to eat some real food and this is what I was craving. BEST PIZZA EVER!! Couldn’t eat the crunchy edge pieces like I like, but the soft middle pieces were amazing. Throat still hurts a lot, especially in the middle of the night, but only taking advil at this point, every 6 hours.
  • Tonsillectomy Day 10 (post-op day 11) and beyond:
  • From here every day had less pain and discomfort. I was able to slowly return to a regular diet. It took few more days to get my throat muscles to become less tired when swallowing, My uvula and soft palate still felt weird for a while.

>> Next Days 11, 12, and Beyond >>>


  1. Amen!!! I am delivered day 10-12. I can even go outside and have weaned myself off those heavy drugs… Even though it is still painful, there is a ray of sunshine compared to the other days. I definitely would do it again just to improve my quality of life. It is so worth it. Still can’t eat everything, but at least I am eating something. Post-Op appointment went good and the tissue is healing. The key is hydration, drink drink drink and when you get tired of drinking, drink some more. The more water you drink, the easier the pain. Tip: The new Ensure clear drinks (not the milk based ones) are good to sip on. It may burn a little, but the little sips gives you nourishments that your body needs.

  2. Nearing the end of day 10 and I’m starting to lose the very little patience that I have. I can handle the throat pain because I’ve had varying degrees of sore throats the last 10 years of my life (I’ve always have enlarged tonsils but they didn’t become a problem until high school). My problem is the ear pain. I’ve been reading a lot of articles trying to figure out how long the referred pain is supposed to last but I can’t find a concrete answer. My ENT said to expect to be out of work for 7-10days and a modest amount of pain until a day comes when I’m simply not in pain. I’m also getting sick of my food options– even though I’m expanding my soft solid choices, I still have an extreme case of food envy whenever someone is eating something I can’t have. Plus I feel like I’m living in the international house of spice ‘n’ crunchy.

  3. Going back to work tomorrow thank god. Day 10 was good for me, I attended a meeting and gave a 20 minute presentation. It was sore afterward but Its a huge turn around from just 3 days ago when I was back in the hospital because I couldnt swallow at all or keep hydrated. The next question is in the long run will I think this is worth it.

  4. I’m 44 and had my surgery on June 25, 2012. I opted for it because I suffered from tonsil stones since I was 11!!! The bad breath and taste in my mouth was unbearable! I finally read that someone had tonsil stones as well and had their tonsils removed and that doing so was the best decision they made. It makes me feel so much better the agony I’m going through now is worth it! I’m on day 9 and I am feeling a whole lot better. Last night I found a new “trick”…it would hurt so much to swallow so what I found is that if you shrug your shoulders up as you swallow, it doesn’t burn as much!!! Good luck to all of you and Godspeed!!!

  5. Day 10 – July 1st, 2012 – Same as yesterday. I cur the dose of my Roxicet from 5mL to 3mL. I am not ready to give it up quite yet as I still have scabs that are trying to come off. But I am hoping when I finally do wean off my head will feel clearer. I find the new tissue after the scab falls off burns when exposed to food and drink. This only lasts for a few hours. Now that the more sever pain is subsiding, I find new pain in my jaw and neck and right ear that I didn’t notice before. I have been sleeping upright and I think it’s finally taking it’s toll on my neck. I did try lyin down yesterday and lasted about 2 minutes, even at this stage. It felt like continued pressure and then shooting pain. I’ll continue to sleep upright. I still find myself dozing off every 2 to 4 hours, for between 2 and 4 hours at a time. Everything is just blah and fuzzy. I’m hoping these scabs are completely gone in a few days and I can get off the pain meds and start getting a normal diet back in me. Maybe then I’ll actually get some energy back. I want to give a big thank you to this site for guiding me through my recovery. It isn’t easy, but knowing what to expect made things a lot more bearable and tolerable.

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