Erin’s Tonsillectomy Tips and Advice

Tonsillectomy Recovery Experience

Hello. I’m a 30 yr old female in the US. I have always had slightly enlarged tonsils, but in early August of this year, found myself for nearly 2 months with multiple bouts of tonsillitis requiring antibiotics and lots of crying, feeling that I would never recover! I finally did, but one tonsil remained enlarged,… Continue reading Erin’s Tonsillectomy Tips and Advice

Tonsillectomy Recovery in Scotland

Scott Shares His Experience With Tonsillectomy and Recovery With Tips: Thought I’d share my story – I am a 29 year old male from Scotland and underwent a tonsillectomy by NHS Scotland and wanted to share my story so people in the UK know what to expect. I’m afraid ‘jell-o’, ‘applesauce’ and sports drinks are… Continue reading Tonsillectomy Recovery in Scotland

Brittany’s Tonsillectomy Tips

Tonsillectomy Recovery Experience

I had my tonsillectomy on January 30th. I am now about 18 days post surgery. I am 27 years old, my profession is  a teacher in a very rough school. So I requested 2 weeks off from work – since I unfortunately have to speak loudly often. Now that I’m thinking with a clear mind… Continue reading Brittany’s Tonsillectomy Tips

Tonsillectomy Survival List:

Tonsillectomy Recovery

Tonsillectomy Checklist: Tonsillectomy survival list: Water Bottle to spit into, dont waste swallows spit out mucus, swish and spit into bottle after eating to keep germs away- clean out sugar/salts HUMIDIFIER- keep it on all day and night on the highest setting, keeps your throat from being dry, better quality of sleep and helps with… Continue reading Tonsillectomy Survival List:

Tonsillectomy Tips From Laura

Read about other people's experience with tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Tips For Tonsillectomy Recovery – Laura’s Story Im 21, had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on December 22. Day 1 I woke up from surgery and was immediately given meds through my IV. I felt pretty good the entire day and was still able to talk. Waking up on day 2 my uvula was extremely swollen… Continue reading Tonsillectomy Tips From Laura

Tips for Tonsillectomy From Sydney

Read about other people's experience with tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Sydney’s Tonsillectomy Tips Read about other people’s experience with tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy I got zofran and I haven’t thrown up since! Thank the lords. Day 6 morning was horrible. I couldn’t help but just sob because I was just so tired of feeling like crap all the time and wanted to give up. It doesn’t… Continue reading Tips for Tonsillectomy From Sydney